Individual Counselling

People come into counselling seeking support for a wide range of issues; anxiety, depression, abuse, grief, problematic relationships, gender identity, sexual identity and low self-esteem issues to name but a few. One to one sessions last 50 minutes and they cost £60. The length of your therapeutic journey will vary depending on your presenting issues; some clients achieve what they set out to achieve within 12-20 weeks, others are with me for a lot longer; a year, maybe two and even longer.

During your first session with me we will explore why you are here, how I can support you and what you want to achieve. The first session will also enable you to get a feel of how I work and if the way in which I work suits you. Counselling is a journey you take with the Self; Who are you? What makes you “you? “. This can be very challenging, difficult and ultimately very rewarding work. The most important relationship you have is the one which you have with yourself. This relationship, the one you have with yourself will determine how you relate to others around you and will have an impact on the quality of those relationships and how you live your life.

The counselling process requires a weekly commitment from you. I appreciate that life events may mean you have to reorganise or miss a session or two. I will ensure you are made aware of my cancellation policy at your first session and I will go through and hand you a list of the terms and conditions of the therapeutic relationship within which we will work. You need to be on-board with these terms before we start our work together. Where at all possible I will find a regular appointment day/time that you can attend on a weekly basis. If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, I will do my upmost to find you an alternative appointment day/time. If you work shifts I will do my upmost to accommodate this.

Hopi Creation Story

The Creator gathered all of Creation and said; “I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realisation that they create their own reality.”
The eagle said, “Give it to me. I will take it to the moon.” The Creator said, “No. One day they will go there and find it.”
The salmon said, “I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.”
The Creator said, “No. They will go there, too.”
The buffalo said, “I will bury it on the Great Plains.”
The Creator said, “They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there.”
Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said “Put it inside of them.” And the Creator said, “It is done.”

This creation story is from the Hopi Nation, Arizona, North America



Individual Counselling Session

Healing Message

Love Hearts

The Truelove

As we step into the new year i share with you a poem by David Whyte about the courage to finally say "YES" to life and love. …

Lotus Flower

A Moments Pause by Mary Oliver

Sharing one of my favourite poems with you, written and narrated by Mary Oliver.  This poem invites you to reconnect with …


Orthodox Masculinity – Angry Men – (Part 2)

Men I have worked with have described how other men judge men who express emotions and feelings, other than anger. Anger, …