What is Counselling/Psychotherapy – How Can it help me?

A Counsellor/Psychotherapist provides a safe, confidential space in which you are invited to look at and deal with issues and feelings that have an impact on you/ your family/ friends and your daily life. It can help you to make sense of personal difficulties, whatever their nature.

Counselling/psychotherapy provides a supportive safe space in which you can talk in confidence to an experienced, professional counsellor who will listen to you in a way in which you probably have never been listened to before, which in turn gives you the space and time in which to process your thoughts and feelings in a way in which you have probably never done so before, which facilitates change. Counselling/psychotherapy is not an easy journey to make, the road is never straight. It will always have its ups, its downs, its twists and turns, however, if you feel ready to make this journey you will not be making it alone, you will be supported every step of the way by an empathic, professional, experienced counsellor. I am fully qualified and a member of the British Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists (BACP) and abide by the BACPs policies and code of ethics.

When Can Counselling Help?

When you feel depressed, anxious, nervous, panicked, bereaved, depresssed, angry, lonely, frustrated, stressed. Counsellors/psychotherapists can also support you to look at difficult relationship issues, addictions & obsessions. Counselling can also support clients to find a greater sense of personal well being as well as supporting clients to identify what triggers certain behaviours and enables them to identify ways in which they can manage/change these behaviours. It can also support clients to identify coping strategies in situations that they may find potentialy difficult for example, job interviews, meetings with the boss, getting into lifts, being in confined spaces etc., getting back behind the wheel of a car after an accident. We offer short term and long term counselling depending on what best suits your needs.

How Do I Get Started?

Give us a call, or if you prefer email us with your telephone number and we will call you. Should you wish to explore counselling further we will then arrange to meet.

How much does counselling cost?

One to One counselling - The first counselling, psychotherapy session is an opportunity for the counsellor and the client to make an assessment on whether this type of therapy will suit you. It lasts 50 minutes The charge for one to one to one counselling is £60

Couple therapy/Relationship counselling - Through experience we have learnt that for couples to determine whether or not relationship counselling could benefit them a full 60 minute session is required from the outset. The charge for this session is £80

Online therapy – one to one – 50 minute session £60. Couples – 60 minute sessions £80

Concessions are now available between 9am and 5pm.
For those unemployed or on low incomes an affordable fee will be discussed and agreed during the first consultation.

What if I need to cancel an appointment?

If you are unable to make your appointment we will endeavor to find you an alternative appointment for that week. If we are unable to do so you will be required to pay for the session you missed.

All sessions missed by the client will be paid for in full with the exception of agreed breaks in therapy and holidays.

Is there a limit to the number of sessions I can have?

This is something you might like to consider with your counsellor. Some people like to work within a structured time frame and decide how many sessions they would like to have from the outset. Others like to work with an open-ended contract. Some like to review their progress at regular intervals, re-contracting as they go.

How long does counselling take?

This will depend on your own personal needs and is something you might like to consider and agree with your counsellor. Some people find that six to eight sessions is all they need; others may require much longer.

How often do I attend?

It is generally agreed that you will get the best from your counselling if you are able to attend on a weekly basis. This is not always possible and we try wherever possible to accommodate a need for flexibility. It is important that attendance is regular.

How long is a counselling session?

Each session starts and finishes on time and lasts 50 minutes for one to one counselling and 60 minutes for relationship counselling.

How soon can you see us?

This will depend on your availability; there is usually a longer waiting time for evening appointments than daytime. We aim to see new clients within one week of their initial contact with us wherever possible.

Do I / we have to pay for counselling?

Our counselling service is private; we do not receive any grants or funding. We require payment for each session a week in advance by card or cash please, this secures your appointment for the following week.

How soon after beginning counselling will I feel better?

The reason people enter therapy is generally because they are experiencing pain or suffering of some kind. The counselling itself can be painful as we tackle our internal defenses and change our unhelpful behaviour. Having survived these painful times people who have received counselling talk of the enormous benefits, help and relief it brings.

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