Terms & Conditions

Finding You Terms and conditions for Counselling and Psychotherapy As of 1st July 2022

By embarking on a course of Counselling and Psychotherapy with Finding You, you are agreeing to abide by and adhere to Finding you – Terms and Conditions for Counselling and Psychotherapy as outlined below. Please read our Terms and Conditions carefully.

As a member of the British Association of Counselling & Psychchotherapy (MBACP) and i have agreed to abide by and adhere to the Terms and Conditions as outlined in the BACP’s ethical framework for good practice. www.bacp.co.uk


Anything said by a client in the counselling room remains within the counselling room. The rare exception to this is where it is thought you are a danger to yourself or others. In such circumstances the counsellor will always endeavor to discuss this with you first.

Clinical Supervision

I have regular clinical supervision to ensure that my quality of practice is at the highest level possible and that i am at all times working in your best interest.

The initial assessment session

The first session. This assessment session will enable you to get a feel of how i work and it enables me to get a feel of how i can support you and allows us to assess if i am the right counsellor for you. If you/we decide that my service is unsuitable, i can refer you on to another counsellor. The duration and cost of the initial assessment sessions are the same as for the on-going counselling sessions, cost for which are outlined below.

Counselling Costs

One to one – duration 50 minutes

Monday – Friday £60.

Couples Counselling – Duration 60 minutes

Monday – Friday £80

Payment Policy

I run a very busy professional private counselling practice and often have a waiting list.

Face to face clients – I ask for payment at the end of your session to secure your next appointment, i ask for payment at the end of your session to secure your next appointment, payable by cash or card. Please note that this payment is non refundable if you do not attend.

Clients who have paid and booked an appointment online – please note that this payment is non refundable if you dont attend.


A limited amount of concession appointments are available before 5pm only for those on a low income or no income.

Counselling contract

You will be required to attend weekly sessions. We will re-negotiate this weekly contract as your counselling journey progesses.

Ending The Counselling Process

When you feel your counselling journey is coming to an end, please let me know, so that we can discuss and agree on how to end the counselling process therapeutically. The closing process may happen over a number of sessions depending on how long we have been working together and what suits you best.

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to make your appointment i will endeavor to find you an alternative appointment for that week. If we are unable to do so you will be required to pay for the session you missed.

All sessions missed by the client will be paid for in full with the exception of agreed breaks in therapy and holidays.

Waiting Area

Please wait in the small waiting area downstairs and i will come down and collect you at your appointed time.

Breaks in therapy

You will be given notice of breaks in therapy and if the counsellor needs to cancel a session for reason of illness.


Love Hearts

The Truelove

As we step into the new year i share with you a poem by David Whyte about the courage to finally say "YES" to life and love. …

Lotus Flower

A Moments Pause by Mary Oliver

Sharing one of my favourite poems with you, written and narrated by Mary Oliver.  This poem invites you to reconnect with …


Orthodox Masculinity – Angry Men – (Part 2)

Men I have worked with have described how other men judge men who express emotions and feelings, other than anger. Anger, …